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Why Street Football

FACT runs the Street Football programme because it believes not only in the power of football to energise marginalised people to change their own lives, but also that it is possible to "change lives through football".

Being or feeling marginalised can force people into isolation, which affects their ability to share, communicate their thoughts and work with others. Day-to-day survival takes priority over longer term planning - often resulting in a chaotic lifestyle.
When a marginalised person gets involved in football they learn to communicate and build relationships with others; they become team mates, learn to trust and share; they learn the responsibility of attending training and games on a regular basis; they learn to be on time and be prepared to participate. Playing football also helps them feel a part of something and teaches them how to over come differances.
These skills and attributes are all transferable to daily life and therefore help marginalised people see that they can change their lives. Though some may not choose to change, many make positive changes to their lives and find themselves more able to fit it to the communities they live in.

With the support of the Homeless World Cup and other local NZ organisations, FACT hopes to be a catalist in helping change the lives of those marginalised within our society.

New Zealand Definition of Homelessness

Homelessness is defined as living situations where people with no other options to acquire safe and secure housing: are without shelter, in temporary accommodation, sharing accommodation with a household or living in uninhabitable housing.

For more indepth information on "New Zealands definition of Homelessness" click here.

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